closet, wardrobe, armoire, declutter

How to Declutter Your Home – Step by Step

Declutter, by definition, means to remove mess or clutter and to organize and prioritize.  Clutter basically is anything you have that doesn’t add value to your life.  So, in order to make room for things that truly matter you need to know how to declutter your home.  Sometimes that’s easier said than done.

How extreme should your decluttering be depends on your ultimate goal.  Whether you’re on your way to becoming a minimalist or would just like to clean up and remove unwanted items that have been taking up space, this article is sure to provide some ideas.

Sometimes when we try to eliminate items, we find things from our past and reminisce of good times from a different period of our lives.  It might be an old hobby item or something from your school days that we try to hold on to rather than discarding it.   Clutter also has a way of making small areas look smaller.  You need to have a plan and stick with it.  Following these easy steps should put you in the right direction and mindset.

Pick Your Battles

Rather than try to tackle the whole home at once, go block by block.  You will be less likely to be overwhelmed if you go in blocks.  Each area you want to declutter is a block and if you think of an area as a block it may start to feel less personal and therefore items will be easier to remove.  A block could be a closet, kitchen cabinet, pantry, medicine cabinet, the basement or a room.  The basic idea is to get started and not lose interest.  Once you realize the positive impact decluttering will have the motivation will be there to complete the job! 

Set Realistic Goals

Plan on setting realistic goals.  Do a block or two in a weekend, don’t try to do too much and lose sight of the ultimate goal.  You have lived with clutter this long, take your time and do what you can in the time that you have.  Decluttering is supposed to relieve stress, not cause it.  Starting with the smallest or easiest block would be a good idea when learning how to declutter your home.  You will immediately notice the benefits of decluttering and will be motivated to keep going.  Be sure to involve others in the household and make it a family project!  Doing it alone may be overwhelming if you have a lot of decluttering to do.

survey junkie

Get Started With a System

By system I mean a sorting system.  What to keep, what to donate, what to throw out or recycle.   The old rule for clothes has always been “if you haven’t worn it in a year get rid of it”.  Of course, that may not apply due the past year we have all had but it is not a bad practice for the future.  Also, look for duplicate items, such as can openers or pots and pans.  Do you really need 4 can openers and 5 pans the same size? 

When doing closets and drawers, make sure you take everything out to sort. You may be amazed how much you have when it is all out in the open. This will also make it much easier to separate the items . When separating items, use boxes so you only have handle items once and not have to touch them again.  Because…if you see it again you might change your mind and put it back in the keep pile.  Believe me it happens!  Plastic tubs are great idea for those items you would like to keep. 

Now you may want to have another box, the sell box.  If you have items of value you really don’t want to give away try selling them on Ebay or Etsy or any other site.  It is very simple to sell things and setting up an account is easy if you don’t already have one.  Or how about a yard sale.  You would be surprised what people might be interested in purchasing.  Why not make a little extra change while you learn how to declutter your home!

Now Organize

Once you have decluttered what you wanted to eliminate, think about organizing what you have kept.  You have spent the time and effort of reducing clutter, now make your storage areas attractive and accessible.   Storage solutions are your friends.   Whether it be shelving, closet organizers, under the bed storage, drawer organizers the possibilities are endless.  Each room will have different organizing options so be sure to research what is available these days.  Here are a few ideas that might help:

Keep it Going – You Got This!

Don’t let all of your good intentions go to waste.  Some habits are hard to break, so be sure to use your new storage areas and stay organized.  If you find yourself falling back into old habits, try to declutter and reorganize every few months or so as a reminder to eliminate things you no longer need.  Hopefully, these tips on how to declutter your home have proved beneficial.  Good luck with your project! Be sure to add your email at the bottom of the page to be notified of new blogs full of ideas and solutions!

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