park, path, bench

18 Habits for your Physical and Mental Health

With everyone being pulled in so many different directions these days, it is very important to develop good self care habits for your physical and mental health. Staying grounded and not letting the universe become too large is important to our wellbeing. These healthy habits will have you wanting to jump out of bed every morning!

Develop a Daily Routine

It is always good to put together a routine of healthy habits no matter the time of day.  You know your schedule best so try to squeeze time in for things that will improve your health, both physical and mental.  Take a walk after dinner, read a book before going to bed, do a little cardio in the morning to get the day started, read the comics or positive content to begin the day.  It has been said that it takes 21 days to form a habit.  So, do something for three weeks and you’ll be doing it to better your health without even thinking about it.

Drink more Water

We all know the importance of drinking plenty of water.  But did you know it can greatly improve your health?  It has a lot of benefits including increasing energy levels and brain function, prevent and treat headaches, prevent constipation and can even help lose weight.  It is also a great idea to drink a glass of water when you wake up in the morning. Your body is dehydrated after a night of sleep so the water first thing in the morning will jump start the day.

survey junkie

Walk Every Day

Not only will walking improve your mood, it has many other benefits as well.  These benefits include increased cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness, reduce risk of heart disease and stroke, improves high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  It will also keep your bones strong, improve balance and reduce body fat.  30 minutes a day is recommended but if that’s too much, try 10 minute walks first and build yourself up to 20 minutes then 30 minutes. Any is better than none.

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Take a Break and Stretch It Out

It is important to recharge and walk away every once in while during the day, especially if you work in an office environment.  Take a little walk around inside the building or sneak outside for just a few minutes and do a couple stretching exercises while you’re at it.   You’ll come back refreshed and ready to get to work!

Be an Early Riser

The majority of successful people report they’re up by 5 am.  Those who wake up early tend to have more time to focus on important tasks while the rest of the world is still sleeping.  Our brains tend to be most alert in the morning so why not take advantage of it.  It is hard to believe, but those who get up early find they have more energy throughout the day than those that sleep in longer.

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Stay Curious and Learn

Whether it is learning a new hobby, taking an online class or reading about something you’ve always wanted to know, keep that brain working and stay curious.  You will never know everything, but it is sure fun to try.

Step Out of your Comfort Zone

If it comes easy to you try something different.  Stepping out of your comfort zone will allow you to experience things you never imagined.  We seem to wait until the time is right to try something different or experience something new.  Unfortunately, most of the time that “right time” never comes.  Take that trip you’ve been putting off. Start that business you have always dreamed about. Whatever your dream is, take that step and give it a whirl.   

Try a New Food

Sometimes we get set in our ways of eating the same things over and over.  Try one new dish you have never eaten at least once a month.  There are so many different ethnic cuisines that are easy to find these days, why not try them all.  Never had Thai food?  Give a try.  Not sure what French food really is? Why not find out. 

ebay women's fashion

Be Money Smart

You have heard it time and time again, save your money for a rainy day.  It is tougher than ever these days when you have everything you ever wanted right at your fingertips.  Want a new pair a shoes, just click and they are yours.   That new purse is just perfect, I have to have it.  Stop and think, do I really need it?  Be smart with your money and you’ll be much happier in a few years. Be careful with that credit card. Make sure you check out our article on the Frugal Lifestyle!

credit squeeze, taxation, purse

Drop Negative People from Your Social Media and Your Life

The negative vibes are horrible for your health.  The less you have the better you will be.  It may come from social media, a group from work and friends that never have a positive thing to say.   Get rid of it all, you don’t need it bringing you down.  If they’re close friends or family, let them know how you feel and try to keep it positive!

upset, mad, crying

Eat Fresh More Often

Not only are fresh foods better for you, but they are also loaded with flavor.  There are so many varieties of fruits and vegetables these days, you’ll be amazed of the different textures and flavors.  Processed foods have so many chemicals and additives that are not beneficial for you and your health.  Check out our article about food additives.

vegetable, blood, eggplant

Get Outside and Enjoy the Fresh Air

Nature is your friend, take advantage of it.  Whether you walk on a trail, take a bike ride, play a round of golf, or take a jog in the park, the fresh air is so very good for you.  And look, you’re getting exercise too! Whenever you are feeling blue, step outside and rejuvenate!


Look around your house.  How many times have you stepped over that or walked past this or looked in the closest to see the same thing for the last couple of years?  It’s time to get rid of it.  You can donate it, throw it out, or sell it.  Most importantly, just get rid of it.  Clutter is a huge reason for depression so why even have it.  If it is not adding value to our life it needs to go.  Click here for our short article about how to declutter.

Be on Time

Healthy and successful minded people know it is important to be on time.  It creates a good atmosphere for those around you and keep you in a good mood.  Some people consider it disrespectful to be late because their time is not important to you. You know the old saying…if you’re not early, you’re late!

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Have Homemade Healthy Snacks on Hand

Difficult to eat healthy while snacking?  Well make your own snacks.  Invest in a food dehydrator and you can make healthy treats that keep very well.  You can try dehydrating bananas, strawberries, apples, kale, jerky, kiwi, or whatever.  The possibilities are endless.  No preservatives or additives in your homemade snacks. These healthy snacks are full of flavor.    

Get a Pet

There are many health benefits of owning a pet. They can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels.  Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship.  This is according to the CDC.  Already have a pet? Check out our article about hacks for dog owners.

puppy, golden retriever, dog

Grow Something

Having a garden, even a small garden, can increase your health in numerous ways.  It allows you to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.  A garden will also instill healthy habits in your diet because you will want to eat all those fruits and veggies that you grow.  Enjoy the sunshine and soak in some vitamin D while you’re at it! Don’t have space outside? Try growing plants inside. Herbs, lettuces and other small veggies are great for indoor growing. Check out our article on starting a garden.

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Volunteering has many healthy benefits, mainly for your mental health.  The mental health benefits include an increase in confidence, gives you a sense of purpose, reduces stress, combats depression, prevents feelings of isolation and will just make you feel good.   You can start at your church, senior center, a park or any other local organization that needs volunteers.  You can also try to see who is needing volunteers in your area. Try it out and make it a habit for your physical and mental health.

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