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How to Save Money on Groceries Without Coupons

Everyone is looking to spend less on groceries but using coupons can be a hassle.  Is it the correct product? Is the coupon expired? Does the store even carry that brand? Enough of the nonsense, who has time for that?  That doesn’t mean you can’t still save money while grocery shopping if you don’t use coupons.  Follow along and you will find out how to save money on groceries without coupons.

So how much should you be spending on groceries?  Well, that depends on who you ask.  If you are a thrifty shopper, you will obviously spend less.  That’s why you’re here, you want to spend less.  But just for a quick reference, the USDA compiled a list of the average costs of at home food.

Adult Individuals range from $167 to $387 per month.  A couple’s average cost ranges from $384 to $803 per month.  And a family of four averages $590 to $1350 per month.  Overall, your grocery bill should not exceed 10% – 12% of your household income.  So, the goal is to be on the lower end of the spectrum and hopefully, these suggestions will help.

Check Your Pantry

Make it a habit to check your pantry, fridge and freezer before going to the store.  You may already have some of what you think you need.  Food items happen to get lost on the back of the shelf or the bottom of the freezer.  Also, you may have some perfectly good items that may be substituted for something you were planning on purchasing.  You have extra pork chops in the freezer so maybe skip on buying that chicken this week.

Stock up on Sale Items

If there are certain items that you use regularly, watch the ads for special pricing.  Of course, you will want to choose items that are not going to spoil or go past their use by date before you use them.  This works well with canned and frozen foods to save money on groceries without coupons.

Buy Meat On Sale and Freeze

Now buying meat in bulk on sale can be a great idea.  But you want to make sure you use it before it goes bad or gets freezer burn.  One way to prevent that would be invest in a vacuum sealer.  These gadgets remove the air from the package and allows the meat to stay fresher, longer.  It will pay for itself rather quickly, if you consider all the food you have thrown away in the past by not using it quickly enough.

Check this one out at Amazon.

foodsaver vacuume sealer

Pay with Cash

Most people tend to spend less when they pay with cash.  You understand how much cash you have with you and therefore, know you can’t go over that amount.  It also helps you prioritize wants versus needs.  In other words, you will buy more fruits and vegetables and less snacks.

Pay with Credit Card

Wait, what?  Didn’t you just say to pay with cash?  If you have the discipline to not overspend because of the credit card, using a card can save you money.  A lot of credit cards have cash back plans that allow you to earn while you spend.  This Chase credit card gives you 1.5% back on everything but will also have specials where you can earn back up to 5%, including groceries.  So, if you can save $5 on a $100 order, why not take advantage of it?

Make a list and Stick to It

Start your list as soon as you realize you will need something from the store.  If you make a list you are less likely to overspend.  Also, you will remember what you actually need.  This is important because you won’t have to make another trip to the grocery because you forgot the most important item you needed.  In addition, if you have to go back to the store, you won’t buy just the item you forgot.  You will spend more and buy other things you really don’t need just because you are there. These are some of the budget buster items you should avoid to save money on groceries without coupons

Check out Discount Stores

Two to three times a month go to discount grocery stores such as Aldi, Save-a-Lot, Lidl, Food4Less, Winco, and maybe even the dollar store.  These stores have much less overhead and tend to be a lot cheaper.  The selection may not always be as good as the larger stores, but these stores are great to get what you need.  That way you can shop the larger stores only once a month or so to get the things you can’t get at the discount stores.

Buy the Store Brand

Store brands and generic brands have come a long way.  If you’re old enough to remember the black and white generic labels, you will understand.  These days, the quality is very similar to the name brands.  In fact, some store brands are actually made by the name brands.  The package is just rebranded.  You may be paying half price for the same item, it just has a different label.   

Join the Reward Program

Most of the large stores have reward programs or cards.  These are definitely something you should enroll in to save money.  Depending on the program, you can get cash back, discounted gasoline, savings on individual items, etc.  You can also add money off specific items when you add them to your card.  I won’t call them coupons because this article says, “without coupons”.  But it is similar except you don’t actually cut them from the newspaper.  You just add them to your card to save money on groceries.

Check out the Tags

If you have ever noticed the item tag on the shelf that has the price, it also has other useful information.  Most will list the price per ounce or per each which will let you compare prices of different size packages.   It also has the bar code, so you know which item it is referencing.  Some store apps will let you scan it with your phone so it will be easier to read and understand.

price tag

Maximize Your Trips

What this means is make the best of your trip to the grocery, so you don’t have to go back.  The more often you go, the more you will spend.  So be prepared, follow your list, get what you need and get out.  If you do forget something, find a way to live without it until your next trip. 

Eat before You Go

You don’t want to go the grocery when you are hungry.  It is true you will spend more if you shop when you haven’t eaten.  Everything looks good and money is no object.  You just want to feed the beast!  Go in with a full stomach and you will be amazed how much smaller your grocery bill is!

Shop online and Pick up

Online grocery shopping with pick up has really increased thanks to the pandemic.  It has also saved people a lot of money thanks to the elimination of the impulse buy.  It is also very convenient, especially when you must be at three different places at once.  Some stores offer this as a free service while others charge a small fee.  Be sure you know the cost so you can budget for it. 


Check Out Flea Markets

Flea markets or farmers markets can be a great place to buy fresh foods.  Flea markets are sometimes where vendors go to unload product that they have an overabundance.  That’s great for the consumer, especially if you’re buying in bulk.  Farmers markets are not always inexpensive for the items you would like to purchase.  However, if you shop late in the day, you may get some really good deals.  Vendors don’t want to take the product back with them so they will reduce the price to empty their inventory.

Cut It Up Yourself

Buying cut up fruit and vegetables is sure convenient, but it is so very expensive.  If you check the price per pound for pre-cut fruit versus buying it whole, it is outrageous.  Buy it whole and take an hour or two to cut everything up once you return home and put it in your own containers.  That will save you literally hundreds of dollars per year by cutting up your own fruit and vegetables. Web Hosting $3.95

Grow Your Own

Even if you don’t have a green thumb, growing some vegetables in your yard or a container is rather simple.  Stick with easy to grow varieties like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onions and lettuce.  There really is nothing like walking out your back door and picking some fresh veggies for dinner.  You can even grow herbs indoors all year long.  Not only will growing your own herbs and vegetables save money, but it will also encourage you to eat healthier.   Check out this article on starting your own garden.

Leave the Kids Home

Sometimes it is not an option, but if it is, leave the kids home when you go grocery shopping.  They tend to be the budget busters by adding snacks and other goodies that are not on your list.  Sometimes, the “kids” are actually adults that slip things into the cart too!  Maybe it is a good idea to leave your spouse home with the kids.

The Freezer is Your Friend, Part II

Consider making large meals or pots of soup that can be frozen in induvial containers.  These are great for the people on the go or to take to lunch at the office.  You can just grab one and throw it in the microwave for a quick lunch or dinner.  It is also a great way to save money.  You will not be tempted to buy something out for lunch or grab something through the drive thru because you didn’t have time to cook. 

The freezer is also a great option for fruits and vegetables that may be close to spoiling.  Throw them in the freezer and use the fruit in smoothies and the vegetables in soups or stews.  No reason to waste anything when you have the freezer space and continue to save money on groceries without coupons.

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Don’t Break the Budget

Grocery shopping should not be complicated and following these easy steps can save you money.  Simple solutions can become healthy habits for your wallet and your health.  Thanks for reading how to save money on groceries without coupons.  Feel free to leave a comment and any other ideas to save money.

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